Being trapped and imprisoned by your own mind, body & soul.. Lullaby is for everyone who has experienced suicidal thoughts. Having such thoughts doesn’t make you weak or broken. It only signifies that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. You might feel overwhelmed, hopeless and unable to see solutions. But […]

Making Of “Falling Away”

We would like to share some funny moments and behind the scenes material of our video shoot for our single “Falling Away”. Have you watched our video yet? If not be sure to check it out:


“And as the air escapes my lungs, we’re hiding in oblivion..” This song is about mortality and the longing for peace and rest. It’s about being in the last stages of life and having someone by your side when the end approaches. “Take me in your loving arms, as life fades away…” “PHOENIX” out on […]